Schema therapy  in English

We have a cultural-sensitive approach without compromising on the theoretical principles of evidence-based techniques.

To make an Appointment just press hereWe offer the following treatments:

  • Short-term Schema Therapy
  • Grief and Loss Processing
  • Burnout Treatment
  • EMDR for Single Trauma
  • COMET for Young People with low Self-Esteem

We treat the following issues:

  • Feeling anxious and panicked, and avoiding stressful situations as a result
  • Procrastinating on your studies and experiencing high levels of stress
  • Feeling like you’re losing control over your thoughts, actions, and emotions
  • Lacking energy and no longer enjoying activities that once brought you joy
  • Avoiding situations that cause tension due to fear of physical sensations (nausea, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, sweating), and fearing you might faint, have a heart attack, or even die
  • Struggling with maintaining relationships and noticing social isolation as a result
  • Having difficulty standing up for yourself and being afraid to express your feelings out of fear of rejection
  • Finding it hard to let go of a dysfunctional relationship, leading to maintaining an on-and-off relationship
  • Being afraid of making mistakes because you’re worried others will think you’re not good enough
  • Being overly critical of yourself and struggling to relax
  • Regularly feeling that you place high demands on yourself, causing you to feel rushed
  • Frequently feeling down or sad without any clear reason
  • Having a busy mind that affects your sleep

Make an Appointment Here

 or book a Retreat to Cape Verde

5 days retreat to Cape-Verde. To relieve stress or whatever is burdening you.Retreat to Cape-Verde