Psycholoog Kaapverdiaans
Heb je psychische hulp nodig in het Kaapverdiaans? Ik, Dina Monteiro helpt je in het Kaapverdiaans en in het Portugees met jouw klacht. Zit ze niet bij jou in de buurt? Geen zorgen, ze geeft ook online therapie.
Meer weten over therapie in het Kaapverdiaans of wil je advies? Plan hier een vrijblijvend 10 min gesprek in.
Bekijk hier psychologen die behandelen in het Portugees.
Psicologo Caboverdiano, Portugues e Ingles
Precisa de ajuda mental, mas não fala holandês? Eu, Dina Monteiro, Psicologo e coach ajudo-lhe na sua língua materna. Não há nada melhor do que poder expressar o que nos incomoda e nos causa dor, na própria língua materna. Reside em Luxemburgo, Belgica, França ou Suíça ? Também nos pode contactar para uma Online Consulta. Planeia aqui a sua consulta gratuita de 10 minutos.
Psychologist Cape Verdean
Do you need psychological help in Cape Verdean? I psychologist Dina Monteiro will help you in Cape Verdean and Portugese with your complaint. Am I not in nearby? No worries, I will be glad to provide you with online therapy.
Want to know more about therapy in Cape Verdean or need advice? Feel free to contact us.
Online therapie
Zit mijn praktijk niet bij jou in de buurt? Geen zorgen, je kan ook kiezen voor online therapie. Een behandeling via videobellen is bewezen net zo effectief als behandelen op locatie. Zo kan jij toch in behandeling in je eigen taal én in je eigen vertrouwde omgeving.
Online therapy
Am I not near you? No worries, you can also choose online therapy. Treatment by video calling has been proven to be just as effective as therapy on location. This way, you can still receive treatment in your own language and in your own familiar surroundings.